
An inspiring community with a shared passion for personal growth books.


With a new book each month, Grow Virtual Book Club meet on Zoom every Monday to discuss the book at 8pm AEDT / AEST (recorded for those that cannot make it), hosted by Kristina Karlsson. 

Monthly & Annual subscriptions available.


November Book:

Way of the Seal: Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead & Succeed, by Mark Divine

Join Now for a November Start

"If you’re curious, self-aware, wanting a weekly dose of inspiration with like-mined people - and determined to grow & evolve as the best version of yourself – then GROW is for you."


Join us to read, discuss & squeeze the learnings out of great books...

Be inspired for life!

Join Now

What you need to know...


Hosted by Kristina Karlsson—a self-confessed life-long learning & personal growth junkie—we meet online Live on Zoom every Monday night at 8pm (AEST / AEDT) and discuss books and concepts in the personal growth space - and help each other connect to the learnings and apply them to our own life.


The Details:

  • WHAT: Read an inspiring new personal development book every month
  • WHEN / WHERE: Meet Live on Zoom every Monday at 8pm AEDT / AEST. You can choose to have your camera on or off, & be as active as you wish
  • WHO: Hosted by Kristina Karlsson
    • All sessions recorded in case you can't make the Live session
    • An inspiring new printable workbook every month
    • An ever-expanding library of previous months recordings & workbooks
    • Occasional special guest speakers, often the author
    • Access to our private Facebook Group, where you can interact with your fellow book club members
    • Join monthly or annually, cancel any time
    • From as little as AUD$18p/w (annual membership)
    • Sign up and begin at the start of the coming month

Kristina and this tribe of like-minded individuals from all over the world will inspire you, authentically support you and help keep you accountable to yourself.


It’s a weekly shot of inspiration & learning.

From Kristina Karlsson; Dream Life Founder, & Grow Virtual Book Club host


Personal growth is something I naturally love and have deep passion for. One of my highest values.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to make the most of this one precious life I’ve been given – to live my Dream Life

I love being around people who share that passion – whatever stage in their life journey they’re at - and that's what inspired me a few years back to create my own personal book club with a group of close friends - focussed on personal growth.

That small private book club - is what inspired me to start this GROW Virtual Book Club - a personal growth club for my broader Dream Life community, founded on all of the best principles of my private book group.

It's so inspiring to spend time connecting and sharing ideas & experiences with people who have a natural desire to grow as they live. People with a growth mindset. People wanting to invest regular time into their personal growth - and to have fun doing it 😊

...and you can make your own choice whether to join the conversation (camera on or off) or just observe.

Joining us weekly in GROW will be inspiring, empowering and fun for you.

We're like you. We want to grow - and I’d love you to join us!

Find out more below…

Love K

Kristina Karlsson
Dream Life Founder & Dreamer

Join Now

Watch this video to experience a GROW Live quarterly Special Guest call for yourself...


Short video clip from a GROW Live weekly session with Surprise Guest, John Soforic - author of The Wealthy Gardener

John's wonderful book was a focus of GROW for four weeks recently. We read it together and discussed our learnings on weekly calls. 

Like reading a biography for pleasure and insight – our GROW community found learning through John’s story to be truly enjoyable, and profound - and the surprise & delight when John joined a weekly GROW call as Kristina's surprise guest was brilliant to see!

The (roughly edited!) clip gives you a glimpse into the call - and what you can expect in GROW (edited for privacy).

This is for you if you:

Love the idea of a virtual book club focused on supporting your personal development & growth


Want to spend an hour a week with positive, genuine, like-minded people


Want to take steps each week to learn & grow while having fun with a supportive group

Have big dreams and want to be around positive people as you chase those dreams


 Feel a bit stuck and are looking for inspiration



Are looking to get more value from great books - and want to squeeze the knowledge and learnings out of them


Love the idea of hearing what other like-minded people have taken away from books, what they've implemented and what their learnings were


Inspired by the massive value and support Kristina has experienced for many years from the book group she created with her closest friends, GROW provides a similar beautiful learning & growing space for you and others just like you.

So many people buy ‘shelf-help’, where they have these fantastic books sitting around them gathering dust.

But when you have a community of people to read and discuss these with, you just can’t help but apply the concepts—and in doing this, transform your life - one Monday Live at a time.

In addition to the weekly Live calls – which are recorded so you can listen-in or re-listen at your convenience - you’ll also get access to our private GROW Facebook group where you can interact with Kristina and other members throughout the week—sharing what we’ve learned.

And you’ll receive exclusive emails and content designed to support you on your personal growth journey.


Think of this Club as a gym membership for your mind—only way more fun!


If you’re bursting to live your Dream Life and to be around positive, growth-minded people - then come and join your tribe weekly at GROW.


Investment: AUD$97 per month charged monthly on a subscription basis (...working out to around $23 per week over a year) / cancel anytime.  OR save AUD$291 and chose the Annual option for $897 (less than $18 per week).


Such a great way to learn and grow...

Everyone is welcome!

Even if you've never read a personal growth book in your life, come along and be inspired to take that first step...

Join Now

"I’m a passionately curious person by nature. I just LOVE learning & growing...


My happy place is sitting with a book, devouring page-by-page the stories, learnings and wisdom of people who have done interesting things or faced difficult challenges. I read so many books a year and have for a very long time. I’m fascinated that for the price of a book I can access a person’s lifetime of learnings.

When I walk, exercise, or move around home doing housework, more often than not it’s with earplugs in. Listening to audio books, podcasts or one of the many online courses I subscribe to.

If you love to learn & grow, read personal-growth books and you’re on a quest to be the best possible version of yourself, then GROW is for you."


GROW Virtual Book Club

2 Payment Options, an October start

Monthly & Annual Membership Subscriptions


November book:

Way of the Seal: Think Like an Elite Warrior to Lead & Succeed, by Mark Divine (See the book here).


  •  Weekly, interactive, live zooms every Monday, with a new book every month.  8pm AEDT / AEST with Kristina and fellow attendees. You can choose to have your camera on or off, & interact as much as you like.
  • All sessions will be recorded, so don't worry if you miss one.
  • The monthly theme will be based on a book. You can choose to purchase a copy of the book, eBook, or audiobook (not included in the price).
  • World Class surprise guests will join our call occasionally. Past guests have included: John Soforic, author The Wealthy Gardener; Alissa Camplin-Warner, Winter Olympic Gold medallist; Janine Allis, author, tv star & entrepreneur; Briony Benjamin author Life Is Tough, But So Are You; and Dr Libby Weaver, 11 time best-selling author & international speaker. You can watch all past recordings in the Members Library.
  • An empowering printable Workbook will be sent to you each month, based on the topic - ready for you to organise your notes & learnings.
  • Access to our private pop-up Facebook Group for the GROW, which will run for the duration, so you can interact, inspire, and be inspired by your fellow participants.
  • Access to the ever-growing back-catalogue of monthly themes - Zoom recordings & PDFs   
AUD$97 p/month
AUD$897 annual (save $291)

Any questions?

  Contact us with any questions at: [email protected]

Success stories…

“I continue to be amazed and inspired as I see the learning and growth made by people on these weekly calls. It's beyond my wildest dreams. I just love turning up Monday nights!

Here are just some of the things people say about these virtual gatherings...


“I love being surrounded with positivity and with people who are actively going after positive goals.”




“Monday nights with Kristina and the Dream Life community are so inspiring. It’s such a supportive and invigorating way to start the week.
I love the tips and wisdoms Kristina shares and being a part of it allows me to soak up all of the amazing learnings from the books we study too. I get so much more out of books this way! Highly recommend joining this amazing community.”
"The weekly lives and book club style of GROW have been an inspiring addition to my weeks. It's a very supportive community, filled with insightful content and differing perspectives.
I look forward to every session!"

"Thank-you so much, Kristina, for all your time and efforts in organising this extra session of the growth group with Dr James Rouse. What a treat it was! And so inspirational!

You have been saying how powerful it is to be in Dr James' presence, and I now know what you mean. The insights James shared were thought-provoking and packed with wisdom; however it is experiencing the acceptance and 'radiance' of his presence and his being that is so impactful.

What a life lesson in just being - in showing up as our best self - being accepting of ourselves - and others - and affirming others, and in doing so, sharing radiance and enthusiasm for living.

What enriching primary food the session was for feeding the soul, and a wonderful beginning to the weekend.

You do the same, Kristina, in your sharing with this dream-growth community - so thank-you for your input! I love being part of the group - for all the 'lessons' and richness of sharings by those like-minded souls - or is it as James suggested - 'hearts' you have gathered together in this group, all so hungry to learn and and eager to change, and become, as James expressed, awesome in the everyday average-normal of life.

Now...some secondary food - the celery and green apple juice I didn't organise early enough to have before this morning's session began, and some healthy breakfast! How could I not!

Enjoy your weekend 🙂"


"I love to learn and grow. Reading books is a passion of mine. The gifts of wisdom and inspiration are endless, however, sharing these gifts and reflections with like-minded dream go-getters takes this to another level of learning and human connection.
Grateful to be part of this amazing Monday night live group".

"It’s truly an inspiring and supportive group to be part of and although I don’t always attend live or say much at all, I love listening and re-listening to the recordings at times that work for me. It makes me feel part of a special little group – away from the humm drum of daily life and the negativity and dribble in news and socials.
Feels like I found my tribe. The surprise guest John Soforic was AMAZING!!"
"I have been at a crossroad of putting everyone first and acknowledging that I won't become the best version of me if I don't prioritise myself.
The books I have read in Grow have just opened my eyes and mind to different thought processes, how I view the world and broadening my thought process.
I am extremely grateful for GROW - it has been life changing.”
"I procrastinated on reading, never attended any book club before... I love the variety of books we read, the learning, the weekly rhythm, the guest speakers. And the inspiration and learning from others in GROW. I love when members share their deeper insights.”

Tanja, Fertility Coach
 “I have loved how Grow has opened my eyes to authors and books I haven't even heard of and how it has changed my perspective big or small in how I live my life."


Sue, Wife, Mum to 3 adult boys, Oncology Nurse Practitioner


"It’s my ‘island of me time’ in a very busy life. I just love tuning in to the calls. I don’t often say much, but I feel part of a very special group of positive people chasing positive experiences from life.
It’s been a saviour for me."
"I was managing remote learning as an educational leader, a young child, a home, a spouse, managing a business and caring for my mother. I wanted something that was just for me and could replace the self-care and hobby like activities that ceased in lock down. GROW became the answer.”

Amber, Education Leader
 “I’m really thankful for this time in my life, where I take the time to focus on myself… this is exactly what I need.”


Melissa, Mum, Wife, Pharmacist, Small Business Owner
"The most valuable thing for me has been reading and learning from a new book each month …and learning with a group of like minded people.

I feel like I'm part of something. I'm not alone. I'm inspired and energised. It’s a warm, welcoming, inclusive community.”

Amanda, On a career break.

Burning Q’s your fellow GROW members asked before securing their place…

I just LOVE what we've created with GROW - and I wish I'd had something similar when I set out as a young woman to chase my dreams...


If it wasn’t for a friend inspiring me to write my dreams on paper one night at 3 am my life would have been so very different. I wouldn’t have dreamed up my business and life. I wouldn’t have connected with millions of people over stationery love, discovering our dreams and living our best lives every single day. I wouldn’t be waking up every single morning so excited to get to work. I wouldn’t have this big crazy dream to inspire 101 million people to write down 3 dreams and chase them. And I wouldn’t have created GROW for you.

I’ve met and studied hundreds of the world’s most inspiring people. I’ve consolidated, tested, tried and refined my learnings as I’ve shared them with thousands of others.

One of my biggest learnings has been how valuable it is to invest time in personal growth. I know that by taking time each week to grow, be inspired & surround yourself with every-day inspiring people, we can all create an inspiring life for ourselves without knowing where to start, how to do it or know if it’s even possible.

I did it. In a new country, no network, English as a second language, no knowledge or idea about how to make my dreams come true, with no money and just a bucket full of enthusiasm to give it my very best. If I can do that, anyone can.

If I had a weekly Live Zoom and a community like GROW it would have been so much easier.

It’s my life’s Purpose to share my learnings to inspire and empower people just like you - and I'd love you to join GROW for that reason.

 Love K

Join Now

Past book's we've read, discussed & learnt from together include:



The Wealthy Gardener, John Soforic

This book is a parable about a wealthy gardener who shares lessons on wealth, success, and personal fulfillment with his son. It combines practical financial advice with philosophical insights on living a purpose-driven life. The focus is on achieving financial independence through disciplined saving, investing, and a deep understanding of the value of time.

Key Takeaways:

  • The importance of living below your means and investing the surplus.
  • Time is your most valuable asset; use it wisely.
  • Wealth accumulation is a long-term game that requires patience and discipline.

The month included a 60min Zoom session with the author - which was remarkable! Session recording available to members.



Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy


Brian Tracy's book is a guide to overcoming procrastination by tackling your most significant, most daunting task first ("eating the frog"). It offers 21 strategies for improving productivity and time management. The focus is on setting clear priorities, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and taking action immediately.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prioritize tasks based on importance, not urgency.
  • Break your tasks into small, manageable steps.
  • Develop a habit of doing the hardest task first.



The Everyday Hero Manifesto, Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma presents a call to action to live a life of greatness, integrity, and courage. The book provides insights into personal mastery, leadership, and making a significant impact in the world. It's an invitation to become an "everyday hero" by embracing high values and pursuing excellence in all areas of life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leadership is not a title; it's a behavior.
  • Daily routines and rituals are foundational to achieving success.
  • Personal growth is a continuous journey that requires constant learning and self-reflection.



Let Go, Hugh Van Cuylenburg

"Let Go" explores the concept of resilience and mental health, drawing on Van Cuylenburg's personal experiences and his work in education. The book provides practical advice on how to cultivate happiness and let go of the stress and pressures that hold us back. It emphasizes the importance of gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness.

Key Takeaways:

  • The power of gratitude in transforming your outlook on life.
  • Mindfulness practices can significantly reduce stress and improve mental health.
  • Empathy towards others enriches your own life and fosters meaningful connections.



The Success Principles, Jack Canfield


Canfield compiles 65 principles for personal and professional success, drawing on decades of experience. The book covers setting goals, building confidence, dealing with challenges, and creating the life you want. It's a comprehensive guide to taking control of your life and achieving your dreams.

Key Takeaways:

  • Taking 100% responsibility for your life is the foundation of success.
  • Clearly defined goals and persistent action are key to achieving success.
  • Overcoming fears and expanding your comfort zone are necessary for growth.



Think, Eat, Move, Thrive, Dr. James Rouse

This book offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, focusing on the mind-body connection and how positive thinking, healthy eating, and movement contribute to overall well-being. Dr. Rouse encourages readers to embrace a lifestyle that supports physical health and mental clarity. The focus is on sustainable health practices that energize the body and enrich the soul.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nutrition, exercise, and mindset are interconnected pillars of health.
  • Small, consistent lifestyle changes can lead to significant health improvements.
  • Mindfulness and gratitude are essential for mental and emotional well-being.



The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson

Olson's book reveals how small, everyday decisions can either lead you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. It's about using the slight edge philosophy to turn simple disciplines into massive success and happiness. The focus is on the compound effect of daily habits, emphasizing consistency over intensity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.
  • Consistency in small actions over time leads to significant achievements.
  • Every action you take moves you closer to or further away from your goals.



The Gap and The Gain, Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

 The authors introduce a concept for measuring success and progress, focusing on the difference between where you are and where you've come from (the gain) rather than where you aspire to be (the gap). This mindset shift encourages appreciation for progress and achievements, leading to greater satisfaction and motivation. It's a strategy for staying positive and grounded in personal and professional growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on your achievements and progress rather than what’s missing or yet to be accomplished.
  • Measuring success based on personal growth and gains fosters a positive mindset and continuous improvement.
  • Gratitude for past successes fuels motivation and ambition for future goals.


Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness, James Baraz

James Baraz presents a step-by-step approach to cultivating joy in one's life. Drawing from Buddhist principles and contemporary psychology, the book offers practical exercises and insights to help readers find deeper satisfaction and contentment. The focus is on choosing joy as a way of being, regardless of life's circumstances.

Key Takeaways:

  • Joy can be cultivated through intentional practices and attitudes.
  • Connecting with others and giving back are powerful ways to increase one's joy.
  • Being present and mindful in each moment leads to a more joyful life.



The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron

"The Artist's Way" is a seminal book in the field of creativity, offering a 12-week program to unlock one's creative potential. Cameron uses exercises, prompts, and practices to help readers overcome creative blocks and rediscover their passions. The focus is on spiritual healing and creative recovery.

Key Takeaways:

  • Morning pages (daily journaling) are a powerful tool for self-discovery and overcoming creative blocks.
  • Taking weekly artist dates with yourself nurtures your inner artist and sparks creativity.
  • Creativity is a spiritual journey that requires nurturing your inner child and letting go of old fears.



The Happiness Plan, Dr. Elise Bialylew


This book is a practical guide to developing a mindfulness practice, structured as a one-month plan. Dr. Bialylew, a psychiatrist, combines scientific research with easy-to-follow exercises designed to reduce stress, increase presence, and lead to greater happiness. The focus is on building a habit of mindfulness that fits into daily life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mindfulness is accessible to everyone and can be practiced in everyday activities.
  • Regular mindfulness practice can lead to significant improvements in mental health and overall happiness.
  • Self-compassion is a critical component of a mindfulness practice.



Work Smarter: Live Better, Cyril Peupion


Peupion provides practical strategies for improving productivity both at work and in personal life. The book focuses on prioritizing tasks, managing emails, planning your work, and leveraging your peak performance times. It's about working smarter, not harder, to achieve more while maintaining work-life balance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective prioritization and planning are crucial for productivity.
  • Reducing distractions and focusing on one task at a time increases efficiency.
  • Regular breaks and managing energy levels are important for sustaining high performance.


International praise for Kristina's book & content...


Robin Sharma


Author of #1 worldwide bestsellers 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' & 'The 5am Club'

"If you're ready to live the life of your dreams, read this book now. It'll be a beautiful use of your time."


Arianna Huffington

New York Times bestselling author & Co-Founder of The Huffington Post

"For anyone looking for more meaning, purpose and joy in their lives, this book is a wonderful place to start - a simple guide to help you tap into your childlike sense of wonder, reclaim your life and thrive."


 Alisa Camplin-Warner

Winner of a remarkable Winter Olympic Gold Medal

"Discovering and then chasing our dreams is what drives us forward, bringing passion and purpose to our lives. Finally we have a book that will unlock your dreams and help you start achieving them."



Dr Libby Weaver

Leading Nutritional Biochemist, eleven-time bestselling author and international speaker

"The insights on dreaming & doing in this beautiful book open you to a flow of ideas and inspiration from your brain and your heart - and you never know where the learnings on offer might lead you! Awakening to your dreams and the immense possibilities they foster serves not only your quality of and excitement for life, but that of the world."



Li Cunxin

Bestselling author of 'Mao's Last Dancer'

"I know well the power of dreaming and of writing those dreams down on paper. It's truly life transforming. Kristina's book not only gives you permission, it shows you how in a simple and practical no-nonsense way."



Dr Tererai Trent

Oprah Winfrey's All-Time Favorite Guest

"Kristina's book provides the key to tap the dreams in our heart, gives us permission to claim our greatest purpose, and provides us with the tools to forge a brighter path - for all. Kristina tenderly and fiercely speaks to our hearts - to find strength and awaken our dreams to connect to something greater than ourselves."


Everyone is welcome!

Even if you've never read a personal growth book in your life, come along and be inspired to take that first step...

Join Now