
Introducing the


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Make new habits stick & surround yourself with a supportive community of inspiring, growth-minded people. 


It's easy to start a new habit, but hard to stick to it once the excitement has cooled off!
Give yourself the best chance of success possible, by ensuring you have the know-how & a support group to be accountable to.
As a part of the Habit Club, from September 23rd we will be doing the 100 Day Habit Challenge, to finish the last 100 days of 2024 making a great new habit stick!


What's Included?

  • Private Facebook Group for accountability & inspiration - this is our home base, & where you let us know each day how you are going!
  • Monthly Lives on Zoom with Kristina (recorded) to learn, connect & inspire! Dates are shared a few weeks prior.
  • Annual & Monthly subscriptions
  • Members Site, which holds:
    • Habit Challenge Workbook 
    • Habit tracker checklists 
  • Regular inspiring input from Kristina in the Facebook Group
  • Monthly emails to inspire you
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What's it all about?

There's a secret to making great new habits stick: 


Make them small and easy to do.


...So if you would love to go running everyday, and don't consider yourself a 'runner', you don’t start out with running 10kms!

You may start running for one minute and add to it.  Your Habit Challenge for that month could be just to get out the door every day with your running shoes on & run for a minimum of 1 minute!

It may seem insignificant, but it works so well, as all the small things add up, and soon it becomes part of your life.



You can do your Habit Challenge however you wish, but we typically run them in a few ways:

  • 100 Day Challenge: it's a great amount of time to work together in our community and we typically run 100 day challenge for the last 100 days of the year.
  • On a monthly basis: a month is a great amount of time to try a habit out, & to start to make it stick. 
  • 66 Days: If you find a habit that you really want to commit to, research says that on average, 66 days will really make it stick, & I have found that when I do something for 66 days, it becomes part of my life and I often keep it, expand on it, or do a version of it.  
  • Any way you like! 3 months until that big event? Set some goals & stick to them. Or maybe you wish to complete Dry July, or Mindful in May, 100 days to the end of the year....etc etc!


  • Private Facebook Group: The central meeting place for the Habit Club, where we all post our updates, share wins / challenges, &  support one another. In addition to this
  • Monthly Live on Zoom: Where Kristina will share tips & tricks, you can ask questions, connect with fellow Habit Club Members, & be inspired all over again!
  • Members Site: where we keep any workbooks, checklists and other resources, plus where you manage your account.  


Which new habit should I choose?

There are so many good habits that you may want to add to your life; drinking more water, exercising regularly, reading more, meditation, gratitude practices.  You may also want to plan your year according to things in your calendar - eg preparation in the month prior to a big event, participating in 'Dry July' or 'Mindful in May' etc..the possibilities are endless!  You probably have your own list of what you feel you need most in your life.  The key is to do it daily,  & keep it simple. You will receive a FREE bonus PDF, 'Habit Ideas' to get you started.  A little tip; choose something that takes you in the direction of your Dream Life. 


How will the Private Facebook Group help me?

One thing I have realised over the years is that I stick to this IF I have a support group. So I normally would ‘drag’ some friends into it and I will create a messenger or WhatsApp group and I would post in that daily when I have done it – this will keep me accountable but it also inspires me when the others in the group has done it. 

Over the years, I realised that some of my friends (and family) don’t love a challenge as much as I do – so I have created the Private Facebook Group 'Habit Club'.   Once in, you will be surrounded by others who are doing a challenge of their choice, which means you will be inspired to see what they do as well as keep you accountable

You can start a new challenge whenever you like!


Is Kristina in the Facebook Group?

YES!  Kristina frequently participates in her own Habit Challenges, sometimes monthly, sometimes for 66  days, so will be in the Facebook Group posting & cheering you on. Kristina's past challenges have included cutting out sugar, reading daily, running, & not speaking negatively (harder than it sounded!). She has wins and challenges, just like the rest of us.

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Feedback from a Habit Club Member 💛


"Today marks a year since joining the first Dream Life Zoom session with Kristina, fellow dreamers and habit chasers. WOW… WHAT A YEAR!
I live my life COMPLETELY different now. The support of Kristina, and all of you, has helped me achieve so much:

  • From Unhealthy Eating to Healthy Eating
  • From No Exercise to Daily Exercise - sometimes twice a day
  • From Unfit to Fit
  • From Lack of Energy to Energised
  • From Overwhelmed to Focused
  • From No desire to be out in nature to Loving my daily walks in nature
  • From Large daily consumption of energy drinks and soft drinks to Rarely consumed
  • From No Personal Development to Reading Personal Growth Books
  • From Many Hollow Activities and Hours to More Impact Activities and Hours
  • From Feeling lost because the majority of my dreams were travel related (which came to a sudden stop) to New dreams associated with Health, Fitness and Family

A huge THANKS for everyone’s support in the Habit Club over the year!!!

Looking forward to joining Kristina’s Grow Club to ensure I keep the momentum going." Anon

Join us for the 100 Day Challenge

Stay as Long as You Like...

Habit Club: Annual


Annual Subscription - Commit to Real Change for Yourself

Annual Subcription

Habit Club: Monthly


Monthly Subscription - Cancel Anytime

Monthly Subcription