So how good does that feel??!
Isn’t it SUCH AN AMAZING feeling to make progress on creating the life you love?!
I really hope it’s sparked some magic inside of you – and inspired you to keep moving towards your dream 2025 and dream life (...whatever that means for you - because it's different for everyone).
In case you missed the Workshop (because life happens!), or you want to work through it again, enjoy this recording.
Be sure to take time for you—in a place where you won’t be interrupted—with your printed workbook (download now) or a notebook and pen.
Prepare to be really inspired!
As I explained briefly in the Workshop, if you want to continue the momentum you've started, you may want to join my Dream Life Coaching Program where we'll build on what you've done and focus deeply on taking action.
One of the biggest things we need when creating the life we want for ourselves, is support.
As well as offering practical guidance, my coaching program offers so much support from myself and the other Dreamers. It's an amazing community. Your new tribe?!
I love helping people discover, chase and achieve their dreams. It's what gives me the biggest joy in life …and I've taken everything I've learned and put it into this program to help empower and guide people just like you. Step by step and with genuine support along the way.
It's my answer when people ask me 'where do I start?'.
If you’re thinking of joining my Dream Life Coaching Program and you want to ask me any specific questions about the Program, please contact us by replying to this email.
Other topics we'll cover for 2025 are:
...and SO much more.
And every quarter we'll have a session to plan out the next quarter to keep on track.
15 min Zoom Catchup: Questions about the Platinum Coaching Program? I would love to have quick online catchup with you to see if this program is for you, book a time here: 15min Catchup
Let’s help make 2025 a brilliant year for you!
I'd love you to join us!
Dream Big!
Kristina Karlsson
Dream Life Founder & Dreamer
00:19:55 Jassmine Kharbat: Hi everyone, so excited for this. 😊
00:22:44 Jassmine Kharbat: Hi 👋
00:22:57 Jassmine Kharbat: Melbourne
00:23:00 inerantzoulis: Hi everyone - Melbourne
00:23:02 Katie Orton: Melbourne
00:23:02 Julia Druery: Burleigh Waters, Gold Coast
00:23:03 Chrissy Edwards: Dubbo nsw
00:23:03 Karen: Melbourne
00:23:06 ashleighcoxsedge: Hi from Brisbane AU
00:23:07 Genevieve Caudery: Sydney
00:23:07 Karen: Nhill country Victoria
00:23:08 kathryn: Berkshire UK
00:23:08 Katrina’s iPhone: Melbourne
00:23:08 Emmanuelle Harrinton: Adelaide Hills
00:23:09 Liz: Sorrento
00:23:12 Multifaceted Lorraine: Hello from San Francisco, California USA
00:23:15 Kate: Sydney
00:23:15 Lynne: Melbourne
00:23:15 Jane Campbell: Sydney!
00:23:16 beckyl: HI everyone - Berkshire in UK
00:23:17 Jenny L: Christchurch, New Zealand
00:23:18 NH: Gadigal - Sydney
00:23:20 Karen: Nhill in Victoria
00:23:23 Sarah Feather: Ipswich Queensland
00:23:24 Natasha: Taree nsw
00:23:39 Hannah: Melbourne
00:23:40 Taitiana: New Zealand
00:23:40 Alicia M: Melbourne
00:23:59 Kristine Clark: geelong victoria
00:24:06 amybarbey: Brisbane
00:24:13 PL iPhone: Hi there and welcome! Paul here to help assist Kristina today 😊
00:24:22 Christine Teo (Health): Reacted to "Hi there and welcome..." with 👍🏻
00:24:26 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "Hi there and welcome..." with 👍
00:25:07 PL iPhone: Give us the thumbs up if the sound & video are working fine for you🎙🔈📽️👍🏻
00:25:19 Emmanuelle Harrinton: Reacted to "Give us the thumbs u..." with 👍
00:25:20 Lynne: Reacted to "Give us the thumbs u..." with 👍🏽
00:25:23 Julia Druery: 👍
00:25:24 ashleighcoxsedge: Reacted to "Give us the thumbs u..." with 👍
00:25:25 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "👍" with 👍
00:25:28 Liz: all good Paul
00:25:38 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "Give us the thumbs u..." with 👍
00:25:49 Anisah: Reacted to "Give us the thumbs u..." with 👍🏽
00:28:49 ashleighcoxsedge: To re-focus ahead of the new year.
00:28:50 Taitiana: To plan for my 2025 goals and be prepared for the new year
00:28:51 inerantzoulis: I need motivation to start and keep new habits
00:28:58 Multifaceted Lorraine: My wildest dreams are a marathon, that’s why it can’t be a sprint. I’m here to stay motivated to go towards my dreams
00:28:59 Jassmine Kharbat: I love this time to reflect on what’s to come.
00:29:00 Julia Druery: I just lost my husband and need to reinvent myself.
00:29:07 Alicia M: To get inspired again to dream big :)
00:29:10 Jane Campbell: To help me stay motivated all year long.
00:29:14 Nastya: I never find time to sit down and dream. Booking a workshop gives me permission to reflect and contemplate
00:29:23 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "I never find time to..." with ❤️
00:29:27 Katie Orton: for motivation and inspiration to set goals for 2025 and to stay motivated to take action
00:29:44 Kate: To set myself up with some good achievable goals for the year.
00:29:45 Trish: To plan and reflect on 2024 and what to look forward to in 2025
00:30:01 Karen: To get out of survival mode
00:30:12 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "To get out of surviv..." with ❤️
00:30:49 Kristine Clark: feel I am just now reflecting on all the work I have done this year. this workshop will put what I have learnt into 2025
00:32:09 Multifaceted Lorraine: Biggest frustrations = time constraints
00:33:04 Kristine Clark: biggest frustrations, wasted potential and knowing I am not where I want to be
00:33:35 Multifaceted Lorraine: Sad & frustrated if nothing changed at the end of 2025
00:34:21 Jassmine Kharbat: Fit healthy calm joyful
00:34:38 PL iPhone: Thanks all for sharing 💛 So helpful for everyone to see and feel 👍
00:35:01 Multifaceted Lorraine: Accomplished is how I want to feel at the end of 2025
00:36:07 Multifaceted Lorraine: No.2 is 💯
00:36:24 naomi: Replying to "I just lost my husba..."
Sorry to hear if your loss, I lost my husband as well this year. It’s tricky to try and get excited for the new year.
00:36:56 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "I just lost my husba..." with 💕
00:37:00 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "Sorry to hear if you..." with 💕
00:37:49 Lynne: Reacted to "Sorry to hear if you..." with 💕
00:37:51 Lynne: Reacted to "I just lost my husba..." with 💕
00:39:01 Taitiana: 4!
00:39:01 Lynne: Yes all of them resonate
00:39:11 Kristine Clark: number 3
00:39:18 Liz: Reacted to "number 3" with 💕
00:39:24 Multifaceted Lorraine: 3
00:39:31 Liz: Reacted to "Sorry to hear if you..." with 💕
00:39:36 Liz: Reacted to "I just lost my husba..." with 💕
00:42:18 inerantzoulis: 4
00:49:48 Multifaceted Lorraine: I don’t know how to have more TIME and BANDWIDTH to realize my dreams. I don’t have a problem with the WHY and the WHAT and the HOW. It’s the competing dreams that demand my time that is frustrating.
00:51:01 Multifaceted Lorraine: Thank you ❤️
00:51:20 Elizabeth Kirby: I would need to balance self love and respect with giving and inspiring others
01:01:05 inerantzoulis: Making time for 1:1 special experiences with each of my children
01:01:07 lenascomputer: Dr Libby Weaver - one of my key people ❤️
01:01:17 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Making time for 1:1 …" with ❤️
01:01:21 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Dr Libby Weaver - on…" with ❤️
01:01:22 Jane Campbell: Reacted to "Making time for 1:1 ..." with ❤️
01:01:36 Kristine Clark: I am starting a side hustle early Jan, want to reduce current job hours and put myself first. Also want to travel, and socialise more
01:01:36 Dan: Lead me and my children to safety
01:01:40 Alicia M: Start to travel/retreat with like minded people to places of power
01:01:41 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I am starting a side…" with ❤️
01:01:54 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Lead me and my child…" with ❤️
01:01:58 amybarbey: Learn another language. Learn a musical instrument.
01:02:00 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "Lead me and my child..." with ❤️
01:02:02 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Start to travel/retr…" with ❤️
01:02:04 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "Start to travel/retr..." with ❤️
01:02:08 Jassmine Kharbat: Reacted to "Start to travel/retr…" with ❤️
01:02:16 Kate: I would love to restart my ballet training journey, I am just a beginner but I love it.
01:02:21 PL iPhone: Learn about Kristina’s retreats here: https://www.yourdreamlifestartshere.com/retreat-shoreham-oct-2024
01:02:26 Nastya: Start a company, buy property, reinnovate house, travel, get a dog (and my goals are around long distance running/swimming). Do I have too much?))
01:02:27 jkril: host dinners with friends
01:02:28 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I would love to rest…" with ❤️
01:02:32 Lynne: Attend some international workshops; open a school; launch multiple businesses; open a gallery
01:02:33 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Start a company, buy…" with ❤️
01:02:37 PL iPhone: Reacted to "host dinners with fr…" with ❤️
01:02:39 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Attend some internat…" with ❤️
01:02:48 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Learn another langua…" with ❤️
01:02:54 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I would need to bala…" with ❤️
01:03:01 lenascomputer: I went to Gwinganna on my own, one of the most amazing things I have done and meet some beautiful ladies
01:03:08 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I went to Gwinganna …" with ❤️
01:03:09 Lynne: Reacted to "I would love to rest..." with ❤️
01:03:12 Lynne: Reacted to "Learn another langua..." with ❤️
01:03:13 Jane Campbell: Reacted to "I went to Gwinganna ..." with ❤️
01:03:13 Sue Bartlett: I would love to meet Dr Rebecca Ray and Megan Dalla-Camina. My word for 2025 as I turn 50 next year is to say yes to every opportunity and not have fear hold me back.
01:03:14 Lynne: Reacted to "Start to travel/retr..." with ❤️
01:03:15 Paige GALE: Completely change my career (currently police detective) and become dog/house babysitter, more travel and start a blog to write about past travels and travel stories
01:03:16 Lynne: Reacted to "Lead me and my child..." with ❤️
01:03:18 Lynne: Reacted to "I am starting a side..." with ❤️
01:03:22 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I would love to meet…" with ❤️
01:03:23 Lynne: Reacted to "Making time for 1:1 ..." with ❤️
01:03:27 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Completely change my…" with ❤️
01:03:28 Julia Druery: take the Europe Trip I had planned with my late husband and learn Italian before I go. Do retreats and hiking with friends.
01:03:33 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "I would love to meet..." with ❤️
01:03:37 Lynne: Reacted to "Start a company, buy..." with ❤️
01:03:40 PL iPhone: Reacted to "take the Europe Trip…" with ❤️
01:03:40 Lynne: Reacted to "host dinners with fr..." with ❤️
01:03:43 Multifaceted Lorraine: I’ve realized my dream of moving into my dream neighborhood (this was an impossible dream that came true! I believe it was because I wrote it down!) Now I dream of making this house into my dream home. I also want to create my dream vocation/online business.
01:03:44 Lynne: Reacted to "I went to Gwinganna ..." with ❤️
01:03:49 Paul K: Reacted to "Completely change my..." with ❤️
01:03:50 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "take the Europe Trip..." with ❤️
01:03:51 Lynne: Reacted to "I would love to meet..." with ❤️
01:03:56 Lynne: Reacted to "Completely change my..." with ❤️
01:04:00 Lynne: Reacted to "take the Europe Trip..." with ❤️
01:04:04 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I’ve realized my dre…" with ❤️
01:04:07 Lynne: Reacted to "I’ve realized my dre..." with ❤️
01:04:09 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "I would love to meet..." with ❤️
01:04:09 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "I’ve realized my dre..." with ❤️
01:04:30 Robyn: Reacted to "I would love to meet..." with ❤️
01:05:01 Sarah Feather: To go back to uni
01:05:08 Katie Orton: i want to start a mindset coaching business, go on a health and wealth retreat, travel to Italy, surround myself with people who are interested in health and wellbeing and personal development, spend time in nature daily.
01:05:09 PL iPhone: Reacted to "To go back to uni" with ❤️
01:05:37 PL iPhone: Reacted to "i want to start a mi…" with ❤️
01:06:24 Multifaceted Lorraine: I’m loving everyone’s dreams❣️
01:06:33 Lynne: Reacted to "To go back to uni" with ❤️
01:06:37 Lynne: Reacted to "i want to start a mi..." with ❤️
01:08:32 PL iPhone: Reacted to "I’m loving everyone’…" with ❤️
01:09:49 Paige GALE: Reacted to "My wildest dreams ..." with ❤️
01:13:18 Paige GALE: Reacted to "I am starting a si..." with ❤️
01:13:40 Paige GALE: Reacted to "Start to travel/re..." with ❤️
01:13:57 Paige GALE: Reacted to "I would love to re..." with ❤️
01:14:33 Paige GALE: Replying to "Start a company, b..."
Never too much 😊
01:14:56 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "Never too much 😊" with 💯
01:14:58 Paige GALE: Reacted to "I went to Gwingann..." with ❤️
01:15:05 Paige GALE: Reacted to "Attend some intern..." with ❤️
01:15:14 PL iPhone: For anyone interested in getting support from Kristina, to learn more about Kristina’s Dream Life Online Course & Platinum Coaching Program -> https://www.yourdreamlifestartshere.com/course
01:15:20 Multifaceted Lorraine: Replying to "Start a company, buy..."
@Paige GALE just not all at once 😅
01:15:43 Paige GALE: Reacted to "To go back to uni" with ❤️
01:15:51 Paige GALE: Reacted to "I’m loving everyo..." with ❤️
01:16:14 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "Start a company, buy..." with ❤️
01:18:38 inerantzoulis: Key action - plan the HOW
01:18:41 Jane Campbell: Replying to "Start a company, buy..."
start a vision board
01:18:52 Kristine Clark: sort out my gym program so I show up consistently
01:18:56 lenascomputer: Plan and set a SMART goal
01:18:57 Trish: do a brain dump, write in my journal and plan
01:19:00 Paige GALE: Replying to "Start a company, b..."
Continue journalling and thinking out my Dream Life Formula
01:19:07 Paige GALE: Reacted to "start a vision boa..." with ❤️
01:19:31 Sarah Feather: Plan the steps I need to take to start uni in February
01:21:26 Sue Bartlett: Highly recommend the dream life coaching program - I did this in 2023 and it changed my life. I am still part of the grow book club and love the thought provoking books we read every month.
01:21:42 Jassmine Kharbat: Reacted to "Highly recommend the…" with ❤️
01:21:43 rachel: Reacted to "Highly recommend the…" with ❤️
01:21:48 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "Highly recommend the..." with ❤️
01:24:45 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Highly recommend the…" with ❤️
01:26:55 Paige GALE: We've all gone shy
01:27:06 PL iPhone: Lorraines Q:
I don't know how to have more TIME and
BANDWIDTH to realize my dreams. I don't have a problem with the WHY and the WHAT and the HOW. It's the competing dreams that demand my time that is frustrating.
01:27:07 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "We've all gone shy" with 😂
01:27:13 rachel: Reacted to "We've all gone shy" with 😅
01:27:20 Katie Orton: What is the schedule for the 12 month coaching program eg, times/days?
01:27:21 Anna Plunkett: Will you be running the Fiji retreat in 2025? 💛
01:27:50 Kathy: Hi Kristina, thank you so much. Could you please share the second last slide one more time for 5 seconds? Thank you.
01:27:59 Hannah: how to come up with word of the year
01:29:01 rachel: Replying to "how to come up with …"
I just spent some time on this activity this morning and used chatgtp to help me after I prompted it with my goals and dreams for 2025
01:29:25 Karen: Reacted to "how to come up with ..." with 👍🏻
01:29:31 inerantzoulis: Replying to "how to come up with ..."
Rachel, did you input your goals, and ask chatgpt for word suggestions?
01:29:32 Katie Orton: Reacted to "I just spent some ti..." with ❤️
01:29:38 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "I just spent some ti..." with ❤️
01:29:51 rachel: Does the dream life coaching include the book club?
01:29:59 inerantzoulis: Reacted to "how to come up with ..." with 👍
01:31:01 rachel: Replying to "how to come up with …"
Yes I did. I prompted You are my personal development coach and I need help coming up with a word 2025. My goals are xyz
01:31:37 Trish: https://www.thedreamlifestore.com/products/word-of-the-year-downloadable-pdf?_pos=3&_sid=e81a3e252&_ss=r
01:31:59 rachel: Reacted to "https://www.thedream…" with ❤️
01:32:03 Kate: Is the book club and habit club separate from the live your dream coaching?
01:32:08 PL iPhone: https://www.thedreamlifestore.com/products/word-of-the-year-downloadable-pdf?_pos=1&_psq=word-o&_ss=e&_v=1.0
01:32:15 rachel: Reacted to "https://www.thedream…" with ❤️
01:32:26 PL iPhone: Reacted to "https://www.thedream…" with ❤️
01:33:12 Hannah: Thank you!
01:33:18 Multifaceted Lorraine: Thank you Kristina❣️ Nailed fitness so energy is good. It’s hard to choose between my other 2 HUGE dreams but you’re absolutely correct, I need good habits to help me stay on track. I so appreciate you addressing my dilemma. I need to work on discipline. I really need to schedule my time and stick to the tasks that will have the most impact on my dream life. THANK YOU again 💕
01:33:35 PL iPhone: Replying to "Is the book club and…"
Hi Kate. Yes they’re separate - but when you sign up for a year of coaching and pay upfront you get them included 👍. Great value.
01:33:38 Caitlin: Reacted to "Thank you Kristina❣️…" with ❤️
01:33:55 Elizabeth Kirby: Thank you for your great energy.
01:34:30 PL iPhone: Replying to "Does the dream life …"
Hi Rach!
If you take the upfront annual option for coaching then GROW is included for free.
01:34:43 Katie Orton: A huge thanks Kristina. It has been insightful, motivating and empowering. And I am feeling very inspired for the best year yet in 2025.
01:34:46 rachel: Reacted to "Hi Rach!
If you tak…" with ❤️
01:34:49 PL iPhone: Reacted to "A huge thanks Kristi…" with ❤️
01:34:54 PL iPhone: Reacted to "Thank you for your g…" with ❤️
01:35:01 PL iPhone: 👍
01:35:15 Paige GALE: Thank you so much Kristina for sharing your time with us this morning. feeling incredibly inspired!
01:35:29 Jassmine Kharbat: Thank you so much K, this has been of great vale. 😍
01:35:41 Lynne: Thank you for such a valuable session
01:35:45 PL iPhone: Replying to "Hi Kristina, thank y…"
Hi Kathy. Can you remember roughly what was on that slide? I can find for you…
01:35:53 rachel: Thanks Kristina and Paul. Appreciate your time this morning. Have a great day everyone 🫶
01:35:59 Kathy: Thank you for your insights Kristina and everyone for your contribution this morning.
01:36:05 Taitiana: Thank you, super grateful
01:36:10 Trish: thank you for another workshop Kristina! It's time to get started with planning. Its a great time to spend my Sunday
01:36:11 naomi: Thank you x
01:36:16 Emmanuelle Harrington: Thanks for the inspiration and insights!
01:36:16 inerantzoulis: Thank you for offering this webinar, so much food for thought. Many sparks have been lit in me with the dreaming exercise. THANK YOU! Have a great 2025 everyone - I hope you accomplish your top 3 dreams!
01:36:25 Kaye: Thankyou
01:36:29 jkril: Thank you Kristina :-)
01:36:33 Multifaceted Lorraine: Reacted to "Thank you for offeri..." with ❤️
01:36:40 jkril: Reacted to "Thank you for offeri..." with ❤️
01:36:41 Karen: The dream life program has changed my life. I highly recommend it. Whatever you end up doing to work on your dream life, just start. Thanks five million, @Kristina Karlsson
01:36:48 amybarbey: Thank you for creating this space today for us xx
01:36:50 Jenny L: Thank You :)
01:36:50 PL iPhone: Thanks everyone!!!! 💛💛💛
01:36:54 Kate: Thank you Kristina for your time, I feel really inspired to start planning to have my best life in 2025.
01:36:57 Nastya: Thank you, Kristina 🙏❤️ wishing everyone to live their dream 2025
01:36:59 Jenna: Thank you so much. You are such an inspiration Kristina! I have followed you now for years and really appreciate all of your wisdom and knowledge. Looking forward to an incredible 2025!
01:37:00 Sue Bartlett: Thank you Kristina wishing everyone an amazing 2025
01:37:01 PL iPhone: Reacted to "The dream life progr…" with ❤️
01:37:01 Multifaceted Lorraine: THANK YOU!
01:37:02 Leanne D: Thank you for a beautiful session this morning! Always love spending a Sunday morning focusing on this
01:37:11 lenascomputer: Thank you so much x
01:37:16 Bernie: Thank You for this session. HNY everyone
01:37:17 Robyn: Thank you so much for your time
01:37:20 Christian Be: Thanks 😊
01:37:30 Caitlin: Thank you!! This was fantastic. Thanks to everyone for sharing their dreams too :))
50% Complete
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